LTD Competency 2—Front-End Analysis and System Evaluation

Competency 2—Front-End Analysis and System Evaluation

Front-End Analysis and System Evaluation (student) I developed critical and analytical skills for data collection and evaluation and can reflect and apply these skills to assess and evaluate learning systems.

Goal 2: To provide students with experiences to develop skills in data collection, analysis and evaluation for reflecting on and applying to the design/development of learning opportunities and systems.

Objective 2.1: Students are able to conduct analysis in order to translate and use theoretical frameworks and existing research to design/develop learning opportunities and systems.

Objective 2.2: Students are able to manage and optimize analytics collected by learning and performance systems to develop criteria to measure learning impact and talent development.

Story Design Heuristics for Instructional Design
Story Design Heuristics for Instructional Design

This research proposal investigates how instructional designers can infuse storytelling and narrative into their instructional design practice to encourage transfer of knowledge in adult learners. Read more about Story Design Heuristics for Instructional Design.

Wayback Machine Redesign
Wayback Machine Redesign

The Wayback Machine allows users to view archived versions of websites. I worked with a group to research, design, develop, prototype, and evaluate a reimagined site design based on interaction design principles. Read more about the Wayback Machine Redesign.